
Take a moment to meet all these new people. You may or may not know them personally, but I think when you look at these pictures, you could feel like you have a connection with them. Or perhaps, a connection with what they’re feeling. The human face is a wonderful place; there is so much in it even in the smallest way. Don’t be afraid of expressions. They are the most beautiful things in their truest form.







I have seen a face with a thousand countenances, and a face that was but a single countenance as if held in a mould.

I have seen a face whose sheen I could look through to the ugliness beneath, and a face whose sheen I had to lift to see how beautiful it was.

I have seen an old face much lined with nothing, and a smooth face in which all things were graven.

I know faces, because I look through the fabric my own eye weaves, and behold the reality beneath.